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The Committee believes that it is instructive to examine the scientific
basis of the method which has been historically developed to create the
radiation risk models.
The classical exposition of the scientific, or inductive method (originally due to William of Occam) is what is now called Mill’s Canons, the two most important of which are:
•The Canon of Agreement, which states that whatever there is in common
between the antecedent conditions of a phenomenon can be supposed to be
the cause, or related to the cause, of the phenomenon.
•The Canon of Difference, which states that the difference in the conditions under which an effect occurs and those under which it does not must be the cause or related to the cause of that effect.
•In addition, the method relies upon the Principle of Accumulation, which
states that scientific knowledge grows additively by the discovery of independent
laws, and the Principle of Instance Confirmation, that the degree of belief
in the truth of a law is proportional to the number of favourable instances
of the law.
Finally, to the methods of inductive reasoning we should add considerations of plausibility of mechanism.』 |
上記文章で、『The classical exposition of the scientific, or inductive method (originally due to William of Occam)』とあり、この「inductive method」を「演繹的方法」と訳出しており、正しくは「帰納的方法」でなくてはなりませんでした。(“inductive”帰納法的に対して演繹法的は“deductive”)
同様に上記引用文の最終パラグラフ、『Finally, to the methods of inductive reasoning we should add considerations of plausibility of mechanism.』では『the methods of inductive reasoning』は、『最後に、そうした一連の帰納法的推論の方法論に、「もっともらしさのメカニズム」に対する考慮を付け加えなければならないだろう。』(哲野訳)とすべきでありましたが、誤って「演繹法的」と訳出したものです。
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なおスコラ哲学者であったオッカムのウイリアムのアプローチが、今日から見て帰納法的だったかどうかと言う点については、様々な議論があるだろうと思われます。私もこれは視点が違っているのではないかと思います。ウイリアムは、マルクス主義哲学でいう「観念論」から「唯物論」(物質主義とか「唯心論」に対置する唯物論ではありません)にその認識論の軸足を移しつつあった過渡期の哲学者という理解をしております。) |